Before choosing a particular basics dog training method Cheap Nike Running Shoes , carefully examine the technique to ensure that it will communicate proper associations. Certain methods may not teach what you intend.
A dog-aggressive Akita was enrolled in a basics dog training program that his owner thought was reputable. The trainer convinced the owner that the only way to break the Akita of aggression toward other dogs was to let a more dominant dog put him in his place.
The trainer's dog displayed dominance toward other dogs, so she placed him in a room with the Akita and left the two dogs to work things out. When the trainer heard a window crashing, she opened the door to find that her dog was injured Cheap Womens Nike Shoes , and the Akita had been richly rewarded for his aggressive dog behavior with a nice victory under his collar.
Not really a well thought out behavior dog training method. If this method does not make sense to you, it probably won't make sense to the dog, either. It is very important for you to display dominance toward your dog and he will then respond to your basics dog training commands. But to display dominance you do not need to be violent or hit your dog. Just to be firm and give clear commands to your dog. He will then respond to you in a trusting way.
One trainer sent around a flyer giving free advice to the general public on how to stop dogs from digging. The trainer suggested filling the newly dug hole with water and taking the dog over to the hole by the scruff of the neck to dunk his head in the water filled-hole.
The next sentence on this flyer cautioned the owner that the dunking probably would not stop the dog from digging; instead Cheap Mens Nike Shoes , forcing the dog down to the water by the scruff of the neck was a demonstration of your dominance, a root cure-all for problem dog behavior.
The trainer thought through the basics dog training method far enough to figure out that the water would have no effect on future digging. Unfortunately, he did not explain that the dog would learn to mistrust his owner for trying to drown him.
Shortly after this flyer was distributed Cheap Nike Shoes , another trainer was indicted for animal abuse for employing this very correction technique. Therefore when dog training use friendly methods to train him. Make it seem like a game to your dog. Always, without fail give him loads and loads of praise and a treat when he does something right for you.
Occasionally, even thinking through a basics dog training method does not result in a clear understanding of how it works.
One day a fellow drove up to class in a pickup with his dog in the back. The dog trainer explained to him that it was very dangerous to have the dog in the back of an open pickup. He went through the normal care dog lecture on how the dog's nose and eyes could be damaged from debris in the air Wholesale Nike Shoes Online , the danger of the dog being thrown out of the truck in an accident, etc.
The fellow proudly said, "I fixed the dog problem of jumping out of the truck. He was jumping out and I would throw him back in. We did this for five or six times when I finally got really mad and threw him in the truck for the seventh time and stuffed a piece of horse manure in his mouth for good measure. After that the dog never jumped out again Wholesale Nike Basketball Shoes , and the next time he does something bad, I am going to use that manure trick again."
Remember what seems awful for humans could actually be premium dog food for the dog. It was really hard to determine if the dog stopped jumping out of the truck because he got tired of being thrown back in, or if he was grateful for the gourmet horse manure treat.
If you are not sure about exactly how or why a basics dog training method works Wholesale Nike Running Shoes , it is probably best to avoid the technique altogether. Even the most popular basics dog training methods use techniques that may not be suited for every breed or temperament of dog.
Professional dog trainers should teach particular basics dog training after having assessed each particular dog. You just can't use one system for might be appropriate for dog obedience training for a boisterous dog might not suit a timid dog.
Most importantly though is what ever you decide must be a pleasure for both you and your dog. Treat him firmly but kindly and keep him interested. Train for a few minutes with rewards then play games with him. He will remain a truly faithful companion for life.
Basics Dog Training.
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