Just what is a "thurvival skill?" It's a skill that let's you thrive and survive at the same time. In today's economy it's not enough to just be good. You need to be better than your counterparts and colleagues. It's all about creating an action plan to keep you name in the limelight and on the top of the list. What list am I talking about? The one that says call X Jordan 13 Shoes For Sale , hire X or X is the best person for the job. Or event he list that reads we can get rid of everyone but X. Is this person you? It could be.
It takes a particular skill set.
1. Flexibility-You need to go with the flow. There are things you can't change so be prepared to accept the consequences and move on. Be adaptable no matter what the circumstances and don't let adversity get you off your game plan.
2. Accessibility - Opportunities happen in a flash. You need to be where people can reach you: cell, phone, fax, and email Jordan 9 Shoes For Sale , whatever. Let you number two person know how to reach you in case that once in a lifetime opportunity presents itself. If people need you, respond that day if at all possible. If you don't, someone else will and you will have lost your edge.
3. Visibility - Who are you? Can people find you? Do an ego search on GOOGLE. Type in your name and see what shows up. At the very least, you should see some basic listing about yourself. So you want to improve the odds of your being found? Get a personal website and use your name as the domain.
4. Credibility - Are you an expert at something? If not Jordan 11 Shoes For Sale , why not? It's easy to become one and then use need to use that expert status to your advantage. The more credentials you have in your CV, the more power it wields when you seek out opportunities.
5. Connectivity - Who can you call when you need help? Remember it's a quid-pro-quo world so just don't start calling people when you are in a bind. They probably won't call back if you already haven't established a relationship.
6. Your Me-factor - You simply have to think about yourself. Yea, I know the cheers for the team and all that stuff. Well, the cold hard truth is that the team isn't going to cut it when your you-know-what is on the line. You need to look out for numero uno. Allocate time for personal enhancement and enrichment every day. Don't get caught up in the party line that you are too busy to manage your own career.
7. Technologically savvy ? Big deal. Do you know how to use email? Do you know how to use it to your advantage? Do you use it to keep in contact Jordan 1 Shoes For Sale , solidify a relationship, alert someone as to how and where you can be reached or get new business? Your technology skills will make you or break you in coming years so spend a little time developing this particular knowledge base.
8. Investment programs-Not your 401K or IRA investments, but investments in you as a person. What's going to affect your bottom line? Have you kept up with current industry technology? Do you know what skill sets are in demand for today's top employers? Keep that knowledge base at the cutting edge and you will have leverage over your competition.
If you hone these skills, you are on your way to successfully negotiating the balance of the year both employed and enjoying your job. Invest in yourself as part of your personal portfolio. Make 2005 the year of you where you can both thrive and survive.
JoAnn Hines' specialty is PACKAGING PEOPLE.
Whether you want to be paid more Air Jordan 13 For Sale , you just lost your job, or you want to progress in the one you have, Ms. Hines advice and expertise can help you transform your personal brand. She can show you how to package yourself and make your brand a hot commodity. It's easy once you know the ropes and begin to utilize her insider's secrets. She shows you step by step how to increase your visibility, credibility and marketability with easy to use tutorials and templates.
It is time to get started "Packaging Yourself."
Email me the Chief People Packager @pkgcoach@ Stun guns are non lethal self defense weapons that are becoming very popular in today's highly modernized world. The device is created for the purpose of having added protection to an individual all throughout the day. You will definitely find the device very helpful as you walk through life after knowing the fact that almost half of the population in the society are slowly becoming criminals.
It is just sad to know that not all the individuals get to have the chance in using the device. There are states that prohibit the use of the device considering the fact that it might be used in creating crimes instead of using in for the purpose of self defense. But eventually Air Jordan 9 For Sale , when the world will already becomes too chaotic, the use of the device in some states will be made legal. Everyone is hoping for that.
If your state allows you to use the device, you should never miss the chance of buying one for your own safety and protection. It is expensive but rest assured that your money will not go to a waste since the device particularly the stun gun is made of the finest materials and will definitely last for a long time if handled with proper care.
There is a wide selection of stun guns in the market that you can choose from depending on the design, the color Air Jordan 11 For Sale , the size and the voltage. You will be amazed when you will see the different designs of stun guns. There are stun guns that looked like cellular phones, and stun guns in pen forms. When it comes to the color, there are stun guns that are colored in pink which is very perfect for fashion women out there. If you want convenience and an easy to carry stun gun, there are mini stun guns that will satisfy your needs. It can be placed in your pockets Air Jordan 1 For Sale , in purses provided that it is placed in its holster to prevent from accidents.