Motivation has been a hot topic for as long as most folks can remember. Some define motivation as a drive or a desire. Others define motivation as they work they do. For me Ugo Amadi Jersey , motivation is neither. Motivation is, in fact, the energy that is "underneath" the drive, desire and work. It's this "energy" that affects the quality of one's motivation, one's motives, and the quality of the action-result dynamic that results from motivation. More than that, this energy called motivation results from the degree one is living a life "on purpose" and the degree to which one is in alignment with one's true and real self, one's heart.
For me, motivation is an energy...a physical, psychic, emotional and spiritual energy. This energy can be described on one end of a continuum as positive, juicy, strong, energetic Phil Haynes Jersey , adventurous, exciting, playful, healing, etc., and on the other end as stagnant, blocked, stale, stagnant, depressed, negative, killing, etc.
Motivation is a mind-body dynamic, mostly body-oriented. In my experience Gary Jennings Jr Jersey , few would say "I think I'm motivated." Rather, I usually hear: "I feel motivated," or the converse, "I don't feel very motivated."
In addition, the expressions "fire in the belly", "Hisher heart's not in it.", "gut check", and "the mind is willing but the flesh is weak", as well as many other expressions that center around the belly area (the "energy center" of the body in Eastern traditions), also point to the body as the focal point of motivation (as opposed to the mind), the center of this energy that drives one to actions and supports one to maintain a state of motivation. Motivation, for me, is a "felt sense".
So, for me Cody Barton Jersey , everyone is aps just not in the way another would like that one to be, or even in a way we would choose our self to be.
When I choose to surf the net, instead of focusing on the task at hand, I'm motivated.
When I choose to see employees as functions, as opposed to people, I'm motivated.
When I choose to gossip, bully and be sarcastic in my speech as opposed to speaking respectfully, lovingly and compassionately, I'm motivated.
When I choose to cut corners and allow greed to drive my business behaviors and processes, rather than follow an ethical path, I'm motivated.
When I choose to view conflict and negotiation as win-lose as opposed to win-win, I'm motivated.
When I choose to cheat on my taxes and my diet, I'm motivated.
When I choose to take my paycheck and only give 75% of my self to my work D.K. Metcalf Jersey , as opposed to showing up 100%, I'm motivated.
When I choose to lie, cheat and steal as opposed to coming from a place of honesty, integrity and trust, I'm motivated.
When I choose to act like an emotional child rather than manifest emotionally intelligence, I'm motivated.
When I allow my ego to get in the way, and engage in self-defeating behavior, instead of coming from my real and authentic self, I'm motivated.
When I choose to numb out in front of the TV, instead of enthusiastically diving into my tasks, I'm motivated.
When I choose to have an affair as opposed to working on my relationship, I'm motivated.
When I choose to hate, as opposed to love, I'm motivated.
Again, for me, the deal is the quality of the energy of the motivation and, even more, what's "underneath" the quality of that energy.
For me, what drives the quality of the energy I refer to as motivation is: purpose.
For me, purpose is heart-driven, as opposed to being mental-mind-ego driven. Purpose is what gives meaning to our existence. So, again, for me, motivation is related to purpose, and meaning. The difference in purpose as heart driven, and purpose as ego-driven is what determines where folks live, literally and figuratively L.J. Collier Jersey , in the space between purpose and purposelessness, and meaning and meaninglessness at work, at home and at play.
In much of life, we move from action to result, action to result, action to result. The question is, "What drives my actions? What drives the motivation (energy) of my actions. The direction of one's life is most often judged on this dynamic and many also judge "success" based on this movement from action to result.
In the larger scheme of things, for me, the energy and quality of the action-result dynamic and the energy and quality with which one relates to "success" is related to whether one is living a life "on purpose" and from where one's purpose emanates (ego or heart).
In my experience, for folks at work, at home and at play, the degree of "pain and suffering" (mental, emotional, physical Michael Dickson Jersey , spiritual, social, financial, etc.) one experiences is based on the degree to which one is living out one's purpose.
So, then, for me, directly related to purpose is what we it is we deem important and the degree to which we assign worth and "value" to what we value.
The Japanese have a decision-making process they refer to as "The Five Whys". Essentially, when one has to make a decision, one asks "Why", and to that response, again asks "Why?" five idea being that if one can drill down five levels, then one can be fairly certain the decision has merit, i.e., a sound grounding and foundation and is not Shaquem Griffin Jersey , for better words, an emotional, knee-jerk or gut decision.
So, with respect to values, when I work with folks on values, motives, etc., we ask "Why?" five times. In other words, "What does (that value, that action, that decision, etc.) "get" you?" Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
At the beginning of the work, the answers are often usually bring one to a conscious self-awareness as to what's really, really Chris Carson Jersey , really, underneath their thoughts, actions and activities, i.e., their motives.