I have seen a famous saying by Shakespeare: "Life is short, only virtue can spread it to distant generations." Virtue can be a cordial greeting, a comforting word, a blood donation, a kind help, a united Cooperation. She is by my side, and I will meet with me. "Xiang Jiuling, can be warm, filial piety, be the deacon. Four years old, can make pears, younger brothers, should be prophets." When I was young, I read these words, my mother told me that virtue is left to the ancestors. Our most valuable asset is to be a good boy who respects the old and loves the young, knows how to be humbly, and knows gratitude and love. In ignorance, I have an agreement with Virtue. Gradually, I grew up, and the virtues are getting closer and closer Cigarettes Online. At home, when I have time Wholesale Cigarettes, I help my grandmother to burn fire, wash dishes, and give my father a tired day. On campus, I also left my diligent figure, and together with my friends, I will add a beautiful style to the beautiful sea. When I knew there were many children who needed help, I actively participated in charity activities. Virtue is with me all the way. At that time, I took part in a charity event �C ??the children of the welfare homes, one day, so that they would not be alone in the cold winter Marlboro Lights. As soon as they saw us, they were happy to have a happy face. I am accompanied by a little boy who laughs, his hands are not very flexible, his mouth is a little up. We went to the painting room together. I accompanied him to paint a big Christmas tree, hang a colored ball, put a star on the top of the head, and there was a snowman and many gifts underneath. The two children sat under the Christmas tree and sang. This painting draws a deep friendship between me and him. The teacher also told us to stay and collect it! At noon, the boss who participated in the charity event distributed a small gift to each child, which contained a small dinosaur. This is my favorite toy. It happened to be a box. I wanted it, I can think about it. Today we are here to help. Children, how can you take it yourself? Thinking about it, I gave the little boy the little toy and saw a sweet smile on my face. I felt very warm. Virtue is like a ray of sunshine, bringing me light; virtue is like a clear spring, bringing me sweetness. Love is the seed of virtue. There is love and virtue. There is beauty in virtue, beauty is good in beauty... There are virtues everywhere in our life, and beauty everywhere. The seat on the bus, not littering, is a manifestation of virtue. Virtue is not a hard work, but a diligence. Virtue is silent, invisible, and intangible, but she can make people feel grateful and loving. I also agreed with the virtues all the way forward. I have a contract with virtue. What about you? Let us have a relationship with virtue, let us live with the virtues Related articles: Newport Cigarettes